Welcome To The Career Development Center

Career development is a lifelong process in which you make, upgrade and refine decisions based on your continual learning about yourself and about the changing of work conditions and trends. Engaging in the career development process is an exciting and continuous journey , we are happy that you’ve taken the initiative to start that journey with us.

It is recommended that you connect with the Career Development Center (CDC) during your 1st year at AASTMT to know more about the career development process and its steps. Identify where you’re at in this process to find services, resources and plan your next steps. The process is a continuous cycle, and It is also important to understand that you may find yourself going back and forth over these steps of the process while in college and all the way over your entire life!

If you have not yet contacted (CDC) office, please call us

Tel: (03) 4254319 – 4252058 – 468756 EXT: 3216 Mobile / Whatsapp: 01102020126  Hotline :19838 


Career Development Process

Knowing Yourself

Career development process starts by evaluating who you are as a person. Knowing and Understanding yourself is the first step in finding a best fit for …More

Exploring Options

Once you have completed a self-assessment, you will start to explore the jobs and career paths that fit your interests and abilities. In this step, you will …More

Setting Your Goals

Once you’ve made a thorough self-assessment and have more knowledge about your own interests and values as they relate to majors, it’s time to make …More

Developing Skills

This is the stage where you will take action to make sure that you are heading on the right path towards your career direction. Without appropriate …More

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