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Home iCAN Forums General Discussion Mentorship and Career Coaching

  • Mentorship and Career Coaching

  • Ayman Shawky

    August 31, 2021 at 3:28 pm

    Dear Students and CDC members


    My name is Ayman Shawky, Director of Career Development Center (CDC), I am introducing myself as a Career Coach and Mentor, I am offering my experience for free, for everyone who needs Mentorship or Coaching.

    Being a Career coach and mentor, I will provide you with experience, insights and ideas.

    As a career coach I will provide guidance and support which EMPOWERS YOU to take action. With coaching, it’s all about empowerment of the individual.

    However, as a Career coach I most commonly work with you hoping to make some kind of career change. I will act more like guidance counselor to help you as a professional to achieve changes you want to see in Your career. Basically as a coach, I will take you from where you are now (YOUR PRESENT STATE) to where you want to be (YOUR DESIRED STATE). A coach focuses on the future

    On the other hand, being as a Mentor, I will show you how to do the task with the benefit of your own experience I can help you identify an appropriate career path and help you outline milestones along the way, but I may be best if you like the field you’re in and aren’t looking to change it. If you’re concentrating on making a major career alteration, a mentor isn’t a guarantee you’ll get the guidance you seek.

    I will be more than happy to receive any calls on my mobile 01112102212

    or e-mails @

    or on message on my account on CDC website.

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