Job Shadowing



The goal of job shadowing is to provide students with hands–on experience to assess their “fit” in that work environment, clarify career goals and direction, and understand the connection between academics and the world of work. Students who participate in Job Shadowing will have a concrete actual look at the workplace and will be able to see what it’s like actually working in a career of their choice. Job Shadowing is an opportunity to explore a career field of interest by spending quality time with one or more professionals in the field. It is a great opportunity for students to explore possible career fields through observation and discussions with professionals at specific job sites.



Students who participate in Job Shadowing are able to:

  1. Get a firsthand look at what goes on behind the scenes when working in a specific career field or industry.
  2. will gain a better understanding of what’s involved in a particular career choice.
  3. Have a chance to make valuable networking connections.
  4. Get to observe how classroom learning can be applied to the real world.
  5. Have an opportunity to learn more about various career options which will help students to be able to make a more informed decision.
  6. Get a chance to act and dress professionally while speaking with professionals in the field.



What do I do to prepare myself?


Conduct research of the company and the career field and identify potential companies and have a list of questions in your head that you would like to ask. This will allow you to ask more in-depth questions and make better use of the time.


Sample Questions to ask

  • What is a typical day like on this job?
  • What do you like most about your work? Least?
  • What steps did you take to get where you are?
  • What personal qualities are necessary to succeed at this type of work?
  • If you could give only one piece of advice to a young person seeking a career such as yours, what would that advice be?


  • Prepare a professional resume to share with your sponsor (have reviewed in CDC)
  • Research sponsors’ profession as well as company, including information gained from What can I do with this major?, and other CDC resources
  • Contact sponsor and arrange date & time of visit
  • Dress professionally and arrive on time
  • Conduct an Informational Interview with sponsor about his/her chosen profession
  • Take the initiative to ask questions and verify information regarding visit
  • Reflect on what you learned and identify if this career is a viable career option for you (why or why not?)
  • Send a thank you note to sponsor expressing your appreciation for the sponsor’s time and for sharing their expertise.



What should I expect to happen during my day of job shadowing?


When you arrive (on time), show initiative, curiosity and enthusiasm, because everyone you meet at the worksite is a potential contact for future internship and job searches. Dress professionally and bring a notepad and pen to take notes. Preparation, promptness and staying on target all show that you are organized and value the Host’s time. There is no standard outline of a day of job shadowing; everybody’s experience differs. One principle guideline is to try not to interfere with the daily routine of the organization. If it is a traditional job shadowing experience, it is likely that you will spend most of your time observing others and will have some time before and after the day to ask questions and get advice and information. It is the Host who decides how you will spend your time. Some typical activities include:


  • Take a Tour inside the organization
  • Ask for a permission to Sit in staff meetings and brainstorming sessions
  • Observe client interactions or assist clients directly
  • Assist with office tasks or projects; prepare or proofread documents


After the Job Shadow Experience

  • View your notes and analyze the job shadow experience. Think about the information that you obtained and evaluate it objectively and how you will use it to your benefit.
  • Be sure to send a letter thanking the individual for his/her time and assistance.
  • Complete your job shadowing evaluation form and submitted to CDC.



For more information or to get assistance in completing a job shadowing experience, please contact the Career Development Center at (03) 4254319 – 4252058 – 468756 EXT: 3216, mobile and what’s app: 01102020126 or send us an email to: and make an appointment to meet with a career counselor.  Career counselors are available each day between 9 am and 4 pm to assist provide you with any other details regarding job shadowing.




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