Career Advice Network (iCAN) FAQs

Advisor FAQs

  1. How do I sign up?
    A. You can sign-up and build your profile here,
    once you have your profile created, you can login here.
  2. is it possible to login via my LinkedIn account?
    A. Yes- registering with LinkedIn is the easiest way to create your profile. When you register with LinkedIn, you can import the information on your profile into your (iCAN) profile.
  3. What does being an advisor mean?
    A. Becoming a (iCAN) advisor is very simple – you create your advisor profile and become a part of a searchable database of (CDC) advisors that students and recent graduates have access to. As an advisor, after you register and become a part of this database, advisees can request various types of consultations that you have marked as available on your profile. All you need to do is respond to their request and then set up a time. If you would like to share your information during the consultation you are welcome to.
  4. How long is the mentor-mentee relationship active for?
    A. In this platform, mentorship is defined by specific consultations that advisees request from advisors. Think of them as short mentorship appointments that can revolve around any subject that you two choose to discuss. These are meant to be half hour conversations, and if you would like to expand the mentor relationship, we encourage you to share your direct contact information with your mentor during the call.

Advisee FAQs

  1. How do I sign up?
    A. To register for access as an advisee
    then once you have registered, you can login here.
  2. How do I search advisors?
    A. (iCAN) is set-up to make searching for advisors easy! You can use your search by the advisor’s specialization, Functions, Industries, Employers, Services, Locations, and Majors that they have outlined in their profiles. For some of these fields (Industries, Employers, Locations. The advisor pool is growing in size and diversity every day – so keep checking for your perfect advisor.
  3. Who are the advisors?
    A. On this platform many areas are represented, it is also open to AASTMT (staff, faculty and parents) who would like to volunteer as advisors. We have alumni in all stages of their careers, who are employed in all sizes of companies, and want to give back to current students, professionals, employers from different industries are available. you can search for specific industries, fields, and companies you are interested in.
  4. I scheduled my consultation, what should I ask my advisor?
    A. Consultations are a chance for you to get answers from advisors who working in the career industries and fields you are interested in. What you ask depends on what you are interested in finding out, here are some questions to get you started:
    • How did you get into this field?
    • What do you enjoy most about your work?
    • What are key skills and work attributes that make people successful in your field?
    • What is a regular day like?
    • What makes a competitive applicant?
    • If you could start over, what would you do the same or differently?
    • Do you have any tips for what I can do now to start working toward a career in this field?

How long is the advisor-advisee relationship active for?
A. In this platform, advice (mentorship) is defined by specific consultations that advisees request from advisors. Think of them as short mentorship appointments that can spin around any subject that you two choose to discuss. These are meant to be half hour conversations, and if you would like to expand the mentor relationship, we encourage you to share your direct contact information with your advisor (mentor) during the call.

For any other questions about (iCAN), or if you have any issues or difficulty creating your account, please contact us 

Telephone: (03) 4254319 – 4252058 – 468756 EXT: 3216

Mobile / Whatsapp: 01102020126

Hotline :19838

Email:  cdc@aast.edu

Address: Wabour El Mayah, behind Bab Sharki, Moharram Bey, Alexandria

Office working hours: Sunday-Thursday, 10:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Friday, Saturday 2:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.



Chat on WhatsApp or send us an email to cdc@aast.edu


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